To evolve from apes 7 hrs
Homo Sapiens so far 10mins
Human history 30secs
1000 years 3secs
I year 3msec
Retirement is fun !

Favorite Photos
Birding has become one of our favorite ways to enjoy the outdoors. Here are some favorite bird photos, and
Mammals, reptiles and insects.
Plus more details:
Digital photography have suddenly allowed amateur to see some amazing stuff. Here are
views of the Galaxies and Nebula,
and the Universe and Black Holes,
how to -implementation details,

US Southwest, Colorado & Wyoming, Galapagos, Amazon, Colorado & Wyoming, Papua New Guinea & Australia, Japan, Thailand, Tall ships at Cape Verde Islands.
It started as a history for travel project and has become a nerdly history of everything. It is mostly based on selections from Wikipedia.

We really enjoyed "Finding your roots" on NPR and bought each other DNA tests for Christmas, with no idea of what it would lead too ! Having solved the great Gray mystery, I started helping people asking for help in solving their puzzles. The DNA helix has actually been imaged.......

When Covid started, I quickly became frustrated with all the expert opinions and no data. "Impattern on Covid" started as a FB blog and morphed into a full scale project.
Still in touch with the world that ran Mike's professional life